As the story opens, Carver is attending yet another funeral for one of the Sauce Crew members. This is a literal representation from the book. He talks about how they've served cocktail sausages in BBQ sauce. But it also symbolizes one of my favorite scenes in the book for how the Sauce Crew acquired their name!
Cornbread - During Carver's Goodbye Day with Blake's grandmother, he learns the story behind how Blake came to live with her. It involved corn and, for me, was the most emotional of the Goodbye Days, but you'll have to read to see if you'll agree.
Cereal - This was, in my opinion, Carver's hardest Goodbye Day because it was spent with Mars' tough-as-nails dad and the person who's most convinced Carver's to blame for the fatal car crash. They eat cereal together. In the book, it's Special K, but I have a fondness for chocolate cereal so I used what I already had on hand.
Chocolate croissant - Finally, Carver says goodbye to Eli. This day was spent with Eli's parents and girlfriend. They start the day by eating chocolate croissants. Again, it's a literal representation from the book. Carver spends most of this day sorting out his myriad of feelings over losing Eli but also gaining someone he's unexpectedly falling for.
Cornbread - During Carver's Goodbye Day with Blake's grandmother, he learns the story behind how Blake came to live with her. It involved corn and, for me, was the most emotional of the Goodbye Days, but you'll have to read to see if you'll agree.
Cereal - This was, in my opinion, Carver's hardest Goodbye Day because it was spent with Mars' tough-as-nails dad and the person who's most convinced Carver's to blame for the fatal car crash. They eat cereal together. In the book, it's Special K, but I have a fondness for chocolate cereal so I used what I already had on hand.
Chocolate croissant - Finally, Carver says goodbye to Eli. This day was spent with Eli's parents and girlfriend. They start the day by eating chocolate croissants. Again, it's a literal representation from the book. Carver spends most of this day sorting out his myriad of feelings over losing Eli but also gaining someone he's unexpectedly falling for.
Admittedly this has been one of my favorite books I've read in the last year!
It's not goodbye; it's see you later...
What happens when saying hello to someone leads to goodbye in an instant? Make it three someones. Goodbye Days is the emotionally packed story about friendship, growing up, and moving on without giving up.
When Carver Briggs sends a text to his friend, Mars who's driving at the time, his world changes in the blink of an eye. Literally. Mars and Carver's other two best friends, Eli and Blake, are killed in a car crash.
Carver wants to shut the world out. How can he live without the Sauce Crew? Then Blake's grandmother asks for a Goodbye Day with Carver, but he's hesitant, especially when the other families ask for one, too. After all, he's to blame for their deaths, isn't he? Find out for yourself in this gripping, raw and beautifully told story...
It's not goodbye; it's see you later...
What happens when saying hello to someone leads to goodbye in an instant? Make it three someones. Goodbye Days is the emotionally packed story about friendship, growing up, and moving on without giving up.
When Carver Briggs sends a text to his friend, Mars who's driving at the time, his world changes in the blink of an eye. Literally. Mars and Carver's other two best friends, Eli and Blake, are killed in a car crash.
Carver wants to shut the world out. How can he live without the Sauce Crew? Then Blake's grandmother asks for a Goodbye Day with Carver, but he's hesitant, especially when the other families ask for one, too. After all, he's to blame for their deaths, isn't he? Find out for yourself in this gripping, raw and beautifully told story...